On a normal month that includes a monthly card class done 4x, Christmas card class done 2x and weekly church cards...totals approximately 350 to 360 cards cut and 110 to 120 cards made and 7 cards designed........plus life......made me tired just thinking about it......especially when I have a minimum of 4 to 7 layers on most of my cards.......
Well I am struggling with my last class idea for next week's round of classes...I had it all planned ready to do and what do I do? wait too late to get my order in to have all the supplies needed by next week...
The good side is I already have two cards planned for next month's classes....the bad side is a scramble to decide what I want to do. It's not that I don't have ideas, it's that I have toooooo many:0)
Well enough about that for now.....a card....
Did I show you this one yet? Designed by very talented Jan Tink over at stampspaperscissors.typepad.com.....I love her stuff....I decided, why reinvent the wheel when she already did the work...
We will be making this card at class next week...I love it....
Well I'll be back on here next time I get out of my stamping cage.....